Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How often is JIRPSS published?

The Journal is published 3 times a year every 4 months.

Since when has the journal been published?

Since April 2021.

How long does the evaluation process take?

The evaluation process of the articles submitted to the journal takes an average of 40 days.

What criteria should be taken into consideration when submitting an article?

The studies to be sent to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the principles and rules explained in detail on the Publication Principles and Writing Rules pages. Otherwise, the articles are returned to their authors and the necessary corrections are requested before the refereeing process.

Articles on which subjects are included in the journal?

In addition to the theoretical, regional and current studies related to the International Relations discipline, the journal includes international law, political history, diplomacy, security studies, migration, political economy and so on. .

Do you also publish book reviews?

Yes, you can also send a book review to the journal.

In what languages do you publish articles?

You can submit works in English and Turkish to the journal.